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Tell me, from Social Perspective, what is it that Holds Societies and Groups Together

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Write an updated abstract and updated detailed outline of your research topic paper with at least three references. This outline can follow the following format as far as section headings. But you do not have to follow it. You can add more sections. But there must be at least four sections highlighted by * and section titles.




Literature Review*




Future Research


Incorporate at least three references from articles listed within the online APUS library.

•Written Communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two-page paper.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Tell me, from Social Perspective, what is it that Holds Societies and Groups Together

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Tell me, from Social Perspective, what is it that Holds Societies and Groups Together

For a quite long time, the definition of the society has been limited to factors such as cultural values, religious and geographical coverage of a particular group of people. However, the existing definition does not adequately accommodate the modern social trends evolving from the societal grounds, but they are not premised on the former comprehension of the long time idea of closely related cultural or religious replicas. The more the world is on a constant evolution, the more the human way of life gets affected and compelled to adjust to acclimatize to new social environment (Buettner,2016). Such social changes are brought about by exposure to new ways of life, transactional relationships, professional aspects, educational factors and sports activities, independent on the indigenous cultural ties instil to the prevailing cohort by the previous generation in lineage.

Some ways of life that people live by traces its history way back in the mediaeval world when some people in the various communities had numerous social tractions that were formed on the basis of the area of one’s fitness. Over the centuries, generations passed those essential skills to the next generations through apprenticeship. Many people in that ancient world become experts in their field of interest leading to the renaissance of the divisive labor concept. The society with varying skills increased the level of interdependence between people of opposite sex, different cohort, constituting a group of people whose interaction was mutual.

In the ancient agricultural primitive societies, people organized themselves and naturally defined the duties based on the gender. Women tasks where light, but tasks that men were assigned demanded more physical efforts, introducing the interesting principle, natural world comprised of patriarchal chores and feminine responsibility (Buettner,2016). Additionally, people who engaged in cultivation relied on others like metallurgy to get supply of farming tools. Metalworkers in turn dependent on farming society to get food for survival. The relationship tailored on the benefits that group derived from each other rather than mere common cultural...


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