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Teaching and Learning Analysis-John Dawey

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Teaching and Learning Analysis-John Dawey


John Dewey

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John Dewey is among the pioneers who contributed heavily to pragmatism in the 20th century. He served in a writing career for over 65 years and published over 1000 books, articles, and essays on various subjects. Before venturing into writing, he worked as an educator at various learning institutions. In the field of pragmatism, Dewey advocated the five teaching and learning approaches including Learning by doing, experience-based learning, learning by experiment, purposive learning, and student-centered learning approach. He primarily to introduce practicality into the education system to enhance student understanding. Dewey felt for children who struggled understand theoretical teaching methodologies. Therefore, he introduced the five methods that made it easier for students to understand, remember and apply the knowledge they learn in real life situations. Dewey's teaching and learning methods are applied in simulation to allow students to experiment theories and enhance their understanding.


John Dewey

 John Dewey was an American educator and philosopher. He was born on October 20, 1859, and died on June 1, 1952. He schooled in a public school in Burlington, Vermont, and at 15, he enrolled for a four-year psychology course at the University of Vermont (Williams, 2017). Dewey later graduated second in his class from Vermont University and taught at the seminary in Oil City, Pennsylvania for three years. He later pursued education until he graduated with a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins. John Dewey contributed a lot to philosophy. His influence as a pioneer thinker in pragmatism permitted future researchers and thinkers to explore deeper into determining how an individual's experience is linked to their ability to gain knowledge. He served in the writing carrier for over 65 years and published over 1000 books, articles, and essays in diverse disciplines. John Dewey did not trust traditional teaching and learning methods, which involved many theories and memorizing. Therefore, in education philosophy, Dewey advocated for five teaching methodologies, including learning my doing, experience-based learning, learning by experiment, purposive learning, and student-centered learning approach that were more practical and applicable in real-life.

Summary and Historical Context

First, john Dewey encouraged teachers to embrace learning by doing when dispensing knowledge to students. In support of his assertions, he maintained that the world is ever-changing and full of practicalities that people can only be comprehended through actions. He suggested that theoretical and practical problem solving should be perpetuated simultaneously for the benefit of students. Learning by doing gives scholars the freedom to work since they learn more efficiently by executing roles through their efforts (Pavlis & Gkiosos, 2017). He further asserted that learning achieved through doing last long compared to the theoretical learning where students do not deploy their efforts. Learning by doing also strengthens learners' mentally, physiologically, and psychologically. John's line of thought significantly impacted educators in the United States of America. Also, many learning institutions in demark charged their school systems to embrace learning by doing earning approach advocated by John Dewey.

Secondly, the famous philosopher encouraged the use of the experience-based learning method. He supported his claim by asserting that people do not learn from...


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