(don't worry about word counting as long you answer all the questions) Your client is a large pharmaceutical company operating and manufacturing globally. The company wants to choose a location to construct a new facility to ramp up the manufacture, production, and sales of vaccines. The company expects a huge demand in new vaccines in the year 2021. Review the data file posted here. This file details the company's most recent 2019 tax provision calculations. Add a column to compute net income. Use this data to prepare a dashboard in Tableau. The company would like your help in choosing a location to open a new manufacturing facility. The goal is to maximize net income and/or minimize taxes. Where do you recommend? Why? Consider the industry – what other factors may be important to choosing a location? Discuss the reasoning for your selection and prove the logic of your recommendation. Prepare a succinct well organized 1-2 page memo (max 1000 words) to the client explaining your recommendation. Visually integrate results from your analysis into your memo. Provide proof and evidence to support your recommendation. Attach a pdf of the dashboard as an appendix to the memo as support. Grammar, spelling and punctuation will be considered in your grade. Deliverables: Memo with analysis, support and recommendation Dashboard prepared in Tableau - save and attach a PDF (NOT the Tableau file) This is an INDIVIDUAL project! (You may alternatively use Power BI instead of Tableau. However, Power BI is a windows application and does not work with mac os.)