Report Format, All reports should be typed. If your report is not typed it should be written in your best penmanship. Sloppy hand written reports will have points taken off accordingly. A typed report should have between 25 to 28 lines per page. Double space after each line of information. Margins, There should be one inch of space (margin) on the top, bottom, right, and left side of all report pages if typed. Bibliography, All reports must include a bibliography, a list of the books used in writing one’s report. Subject Matter To Be Discussed In Report: (A) Background of the court case. (B) The Constitutional Issue. (C) The Case. (D) What you learned from this court case, and what you liked the most about this court case. What you disliked about the court case. Report Court Cases: Pick any one of the following cases. (ONLY 1 CASE!!!) Barron V. Baltimore(1833), Engel V. Vitale(1962), Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc V. United States(1964), Marbury V. Madison(1803), McCulloch V. Maryland(1819), Miranda V. Arizona(1966), New Jersey V. T.L.O.(1985), Dred Scott V. Sandford(1857), New York Times Co. V. Sullivan(1964), Olmstead V. United States(1928), Plessy V. Ferguson(1896), Powell V. Alabama(1932), Reed V. Reed(1971), Texas V. Johnson(1989), Roe V. Wade(1973), Wisconsin V. Mitchell(1993). (These Court Cases Only.) Gibbons V. Ogden(1824), Korematsu V. United States(1944),