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Support of Research Evidence


Discuss with the support of research evidence the meaning and explanations for consumer loyalty. Reflect, in your answer, on different types of consumer loyalty and how can marketers use research evidence on consumer loyalty in practice, using relevant theories and to the implications and applications of the evidence Key studies and recent research papers from quality journals should be cited, the use of published research evidence in the argument should be cited, the use of subheadings that explicitly signpost the content in the main body needed. The use of a diagram is important. NOTE the assessment of the assignment will be based on structure and coherence, logical flow of arguments, use of academic research evidence to support the arguments, critical evaluation, readability, error-free language, along with accurate referencing. The assignment requires robust critical evaluation of academic research evidence. Therefore, including one’s own opinions might be problematic. However, some reflections about the research evidence can be included in the Introduction and Conclusion. Avoid using first person.
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