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Supply Chain Mapping

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You have to map and describe a supply chain, and then discuss the intermediary elements and the role they play in that supply chain.
Don't make it too hard for yourself. Choose a product that has supply chain you are familiar with. The product can be generic, i.e eggs or it could be a branded item like an iPhone.
See what information you can find online, then select an item which has a lot of supply chain information available.

The focus is on the supply intermediaries and their roles, rather than the product


1. brief introduction of (supply chain management, logistics, mapping)

2.Product x supply chain map (DRAW THE MAP)

3. Product X supply chain Report

      -Description of the product

      -Entity 1

              *key roles and the logistical functions

               * How it manages relationship with its supply chain partners

       -Entity 2

               * key roles and the logistical functions

               * How it manages relationship with its supply chain partners


4. Short Conclusion

The attached PDF contains everything.





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Supply Chain Mapping


A supply chain map denotes a graphical depiction of a selected network of suppliers, presented in either abstract or geographical system design. It enables businesses to manage the movement of raw materials through handling the process of exchange from points of origin to consumption. Supply chain mapping entails the active streamlining of an organization’s supply-side processes to reduce costs of operation and maximize on competitive advantage. Sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing of products, warehousing, distribution, and return are among the predominant supply chain entities that illustrate everything from production to product development as used by Apple Inc. in the distribution of iPhones.

The iPhone Supply Chain Map

A supply chain map allows Apple Inc. to identify a link between suppliers involved in bringing the iPhone to consumers. The firm acquires production materials from various providers then transports them to its assembling facilities in China. After production, it ships the goods directly to the customers who purchase the merchandise from online platforms (Lockamy, 2017). To fulfill retail needs, Apple Inc. keeps its products at its headquarters and distributes them from its central warehouse. Finally, it lets consumers send back products for recycling. All of these illustrate movements of raw materials from providers to final consumers.

Figure 1: The iPhone Supply Chain Map


The iPhone Supply Chain Report

Description of Product

First released in 2007, the iPhone is a smartphone created by Apple Inc. It entails a...


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