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Supply Chain Management Plan


Requirements.Create a PowerPoint presentation of your supply chain management plan, which you will present to your business partners. Include the following:Analyze supply chain designs.Your analysis should detail two different supply chain scenarios for either Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business.Use a flow chart to indicate all inputs and outputs for each supply chain and to clearly indicate areas in the supply chain designs that are different.Analyze the points at which the supply chains intersect with logistics. What role does logistics play in each supply chain design?Assess bottlenecks in the supply chain designs. How would you overcome each bottleneck in the two supply chain designs?Analyze how supply chains and logistics create value for the selected business. Why is it important for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business to focus on supply chains? Recommend a supply chain design for the selected business.Include your rationale for the most appropriate supply chain for Wild Dog Coffee Company.Be sure to include any assumptions you had to make to develop the supply chain designs that support your recommendations.    Deliverable FormatRequirements:Presentation is 10–12 slides (in addition to title, reference, and appendix slides).Select a PowerPoint slide template appropriate for a professional presentation. Include the content of the slides as well as the supporting narrative. Do not overbuild your slides; information that supports what you will be saying should appear at the lower portion of each slide as notes.Related company standards:The PowerPoint is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources).Use 2–3 scholarly or academic sources, where applicable, one of which must come from the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, or MIT Sloan Management Review.Use APA formatting for citations and references.EvaluationBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Analyze how operations management theories and models effect the development and delivery of products or services to the marketplace.Analyze how supply chains and logistics create value for the selected business. Competency 2: Use logistics and supply chain management tools to manage the distribution of products and services.Analyze the points at which the supply chains intersect with logistics.Assess bottlenecks in the supply chain designs.Competency 3: Use data to evaluate the effect of operations management decisions on organizational goals.Analyze supply chain designs. Competency 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of operations management strategies to achieve quality and customer service goals.Recommend a supply chain design for the selected business. Competency 5: Communicate business needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional. Faculty will provide feedback as they were the recipient of your deliverable in the workplace, using the scoring guide. Refer to the scoring guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assessment before submission.ePortfolioThis portfolio work project demonstrates your competency in applying knowledge and skills required of an MBA learner in the workplace. Save this activity to your ePortfolio for future reference in the workplace.
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