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Suicide In The UK Dentistry

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Suicide In The UK Dentistry


Suicide In The UK Dentistry







Introduction and definition

Committing suicide is the effort of by an individual to take their own life without being forced to. A dentist is a medical officer who has specialized in dental surgery; he/she diagnoses, prevents and cures illnesses and conditions associated with mouth health. Dentists are generally very important to peoples' oral health and cleanness, according to (Bhopal, 2007) the most crucial function is to aid in cleaning and maintaining clean teeth which aid in preventing teeth from diseases such as gum ailments and cavities.

However, dentists get to face a number of stressful challenges whether it is physical, mental or even emotional. These challenges are of the wide range from failed marriages to heart diseases, ulcers, drained energy, they also tend to become alcoholics and abuse drugs too, hopelessness and ultimately suicide. Dentists commit suicide twice as much as the whole population of United Kingdom and thrice the individuals in white collar. (YipYousuf & Caine, 2012).

Suicide rates in dentistry

Studies since 1933 have shown that dentists are suicide-prone, additionally, dentists and individuals practicing medicine, in general, are in careers where professionals are at a higher risk of committing suicide. In addition to that, it is alleged that these individuals are more drawn to alcohol, substance abuse and have failed marriages. Another research concerning suicide was carried out between the years 2011-2015 among individuals from 20-60 years, in that period, over 18,000 deaths were as a result of suicide and over 13,000 individuals who died were professionals and among them, dentists (YipYousuf &Caine, 2012).

Suicide as a major public health problem

According to (Godwin, 1981) to become a dentist one studies for four years in college where they are taught on how to perform perfect procedures and with precision while in practice. Nonetheless, after finishing school, in case they put up a private practice, they discover how stressful it is to manage a business due to patients who do not have good insurance covers, or are struggling financially; they often avoid incurring costs that they cannot afford and thus denying themselves ideal treatment. Subsequently, the dentist is now forced to constantly to settle for less quality treatment which in turn demoralizes him/her thus giving up on their dreams (SimpsonJakobsenSimpson, 1983). In the end, the dentist provides compromised medical care since the individuals being treated do not want the whole process that is required for proper dental care. In the end, the dentist...


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