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Strategic Development and Analysis; HUAWEI in 5G Network Market

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Strategic Development and Analysis: HUAWEI in 5G Network Market

1.0 Aims and Objectives

-Your proposal should start with a brief introduction expanding on the topic you are investigating, why you think that it is of interest, and why you think that your approach will contribute something worthwhile to an understanding of the topic.

-This should culminate in a statement of your main aim and objectives.

1.    How does political repercussions affect Huawei’s performance?

2.    How does innovation improve the performance of Huawei?

3.    What is the level of market dominance by Huawei?



2.0 Theoretical Basis

-This section should outline what theoretical ideas you intend to use in the research.

-This should be in the form of a brief summary of the literature you intend to use with some explanation of how it relates to your aims and objectives.

In this section, consider…

·         Porter five force model HUAWEI's growth

·         Porter diamond model HUAWEI's growth

·         SWOT matrix HUAWEI's growth

·         Add about 2 theories on HUAWEI's growth (Related to the objectives).

3.0 Research Methodology

(ONLY secondary Data will be used) (I will use secondary data, like news, annual report, and government report)

Your dissertation will be based on the collection of secondary data, depending on what is appropriate to the topic selected, your research aim, research design and methodological framework.

-This section should present a clear outline as to how you are going to collect your data and how you are going to analyze and interpret it. This may well also comprise some comment as to your proposed methodological framework.

-You need to justify your overall approach in terms of why it is appropriate for the aim and objectives that you wish to investigate and what assumptions you are making about knowledge and reality.

-It is important that you demonstrate your understanding of the differences between research methodology and research methods.

4.0 Research Plan

-This section should demonstrate that you have thought about the practical feasibility of your research.

-How will you gain access to the people, information and resources you need in the time available?

-The plan should also include a timetable of the different stages of your research.

-The plan may be presented in the form of a table, a Gantt chart, or similar, although such formats are not compulsory.


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