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I need to respond to the student's response Instructions:  Remembering that all research has some error, respond to at least one colleague’s post and comment on how we as social change agents and critical consumers of research can balance the usefulness with the error in the research. Do we throw the research out because of too much error, or is there something useful that it can tell us? Student's response:  This research study male role as fathers; it had been found that males need similar adjustments as women before becoming parents. The study reflects that fathers experienced a superior level of satisfaction along with the need to be involved in parenthood. An error for this research was the limitation to first-time fathers; second-time fathers could have added another kind of experience. There was almost none representation from socio-economically limited groups, and this could have a different conclusion on father satisfaction in childbirth. Y=f(X) +E Y= Childbirth experiences X= Father’s satisfaction F= Safety of mother and baby, understanding support role, mother in control and managing pain, care and communication after birth Ε= Limitation to first-time fathers Reference Howarth, A. M., Scott, K. M., & Swain, N. R. (2019). First-time fathers’ perception of their childbirth experiences. Journal of Health Psychology, 24(7), 929. Professor's response:  Check the cause an effect order in your function equation. F(independent variable) means “function of.” The E is an error term: Father satisfaction = f(number of child births attended) + E
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