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Sports Policy of the School

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Sports Policy of the School


Sports Policy of the School


Institutional Affiliation













Sports Policy of the School

Sport policy in school helps provide an excellent environment to develop in terms of sport and mind. It helps students avoid lifestyles that can ruin their lives, such as stealing others' properties, drug abuse, and causing violence. Sport policy also gives talented students room to build their sports careers, thus becoming famous. It also improves sports talent. These policies give every one right to show his/ her talent and grow mentally stable. Lastly,the policy trains persons to become responsible in the future. Lastly, sporting policy educates students on how to create friendships.

The managers involved in every sports activity are given a chance to decide what may cause the school's sports development. The different organizations have come together to ensure that the policy is effective and helps students grow their talent. Some organizations are government organizations from the ministry of sports and gender balance. Some are Non-governmental organizations that come to help achieve the policies' goals. Here, we will discuss the role, purpose of International Women Day (IWD) sport that has impacted the mark (International Women’s Day, 2021).  

International women's day is a day set aside to celebrate how important women are to society and their contribution to the community. These have a significant impact on the sports sector all over the WorldWorld. The tremendous international day was created to create time for government and sponsors worldwide to join hands to help young people talents.Many stakeholders come out and help the donation of women with breast cancer so that those who have cancer can have an everyday life again. Talented women also come together during women's international day to help girls interested in sport to achieve their potential in sport; international day makes women also equalin their sport to be recognized by people worldwide. Womenworldwide would come together and enjoy themselves and play together some sports activities. In the end, they build talents amonggirls and women themselves. Also, they make unity among themselves and their daughters and share the challenges they face as women. This day encouraged them to achieve their desire by playing together.

The mother who ever played any sports activities is encouraged to a coach career teaching and gain the skill to start coaching some local club for women. By doing so, she can raise some talent among girls and earn money that can enable her to support her children without depending on theirhusbands, and also they use this time to educate girls on life skill and their health awareness. Lastly, the international women's day in sport fosters gender equalities in education, sport, disabilities, and job employment among many non-governmental and government institutions. And this will make them feel they are not...


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