Response posts should be at least 150 words, not more than 250 words. The discussion point value totals 40, 20 points for the initial post, and 10 for each response. All submissions must follow the APA style considering in-text citation, reference list, etc. Content: Does your response answer the question(s)? Is your response coherent, clear, and well-developed? Are claims substantially supported by evidence from the text(s) (i.e. do you quote from the readings as needed)? Style/Mechanics: Is your prose clear and easy to read? Are there are transitions from one thought to another? Is your spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. (mostly) correct? Please note that any direct quotations from course materials (lectures, readings, etc) should be cited appropriately. This is true for your discussion posts, the midterm, and any other time you directly reference work produced/written by another person. For a quick reference guide to citation, check out the college student's guide to citation styles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need to responses to two different posts. I would attach my initial post that I submitted, and the other classmates' initial posts that I want to reply on. Also, I will attach the reading material as well.