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Solving a Problem


Assignment #3: Writing to Solve a Problem (1,500-2,000 words)For this assignment, your chosen topic could range from something as simple as choosing to eat organic foods to something as complex as the War on Terror or gun control. However, this topic should be narrow enough to explore in the required length. Additionally, you need to be careful as to not look at this paper as a “rant.” Yes, it is based on your opinion, but you need to make your argument in a methodical, logical, and poised manner. You can think of this essay as having two parts: “The Problem” and “The Solution.” You will spend approximately 1/2 of your paper setting up the issue and the latter 1/2 proposing a solution. This solution will need to be methodical, foreseeable, and practical. Additionally, you will need to take into account your opposition and ensure that your solution is the best fit for all parties involved.Typically, when performing research, not all sources that you find will end up working out in your paper. When this is the case, you can find an alternative source.This assignment needs to be 1,500-2,000 words and typed in Times New Roman font. You need to use 1” margins all around and should be double spaced. Be sure to number your pages and include a heading as follows:Your nameAssignment 3: Problem/Solution EssayLee Gardner: ENG 112DatePEER REVIEW: April 12-16DUE DATE FOR GRADING: April 21
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