Some of the work is done for you!! I gave you a formatted lab report template (it tells you what to write in italics) with the data tables already made and the experimental data filled in. You just type in a short abstract, experimental procedures summary, discussion, and no paragraph is needed for results! I already filled in the data table, you fill in the rest of the results as you do sample calculations. For sample calculations, it can be written or typed but on a separate page. I will provide as many resources as I can, including sample lab reports to refer to. Materials I have attached: 1. LAB REPORT TEMPLATE - You fill in the rest of the report, it can be as long or as short as it needs to be, doesn't have to be 4 pages 2. Lab Manual - use this to write lab report, you will find discussion questions/procedures/background here! 3. Theoretical Background - You will find lots of background here on the lab 4. Grading Rubric 5. Submissions excel spreadsheet - Fill in all of the yellow boxes in the spreadsheet carefully with experimental data (from data table), results, and uncertainty analysis as is appropriate for that experiment. (this is just to check if results are correct, indicated by green boxes saying "correct") 6. 3 Sample lab reports (1B, 2B, 3B) - refer to for writing style and format (mine is 1B, this is my writing style!! not super fancy at all) Citations --> Only need Lab Manual and Theoretical Background as reference. You DO NOT need outside sources - please look at how I cited in the samples for examples EXTRA MATERIAL FOR UNDERSTANDING (These are not attached but if you want them please let me know, I would gladly send): 1)Video of Lab experiment 2) Recorded zoom lab with reviews prelab lecture slides and video of lab experiment by professor Recommendation/Reminders: 1) read theoretical background, then read lab manual first! 3) Remember to erase italics instructions Please do not hesitate to ask me questions!