Research Paper Prep Assignment: Outline & Thesis Statement the Topic is the ethical considerations of using HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) as an ingredient in processed foods, and should these considerations stop the use of HFCS in processed and fast foods. Scientists have shown that HFCS creates obesity, diabetes and dependence. Requirements Title Page, Page #'s, Title restated at top of p. 2, Thesis Statement, Outline w/ double-spacing, sources listed in your References Page are properly referenced in the body of the outline, References Page (Sources listed alphabetically, even double-spacing, and Hanging Indent) Topic is to be based on approved topic from W1. Source Requirements: 1 source from Schiller online library; 3 additional sources from your own research In order to receive credit for your source from the online library you must include the full URL as part of your full-sourcing in the References Page so that the source can be verified. Outline should be well-organized and should flow logically. Your outline should show evidence of careful planning. In-text referencing for each source: Point out where you plan on utilizing your sources within the body of the paper via in-text referencing, like this (Hamilton, 2020). Thesis Statement: Indicate your proposed Thesis Statement within your Outline's Introduction. Please see the Announcement on the Thesis Statement to help you prepare your thesis. Note: Perfect APA-style formatting is required for this submission; please see feedback on your Topics submission and make the adjustments necessary in order to submit this document in perfect format Double-space outline No min/max page count The Purdue Owl has very helpful information on developing an outline as well! Please see class Announcements on (1) The Thesis Statement, (2) Introduction & Conclusion, (3) Technical Components for your Written Submissions, & (4) How to use Schiller's Online Library Here is an example of a perfectly-prepared Outline & Thesis Statement submission; please use this as a model for how to structure your own submission. This submission has a GREAT thesis statement too; be sure to check it out! FYI: Research Paper is to be 900 (min) - 1, 100 (max) words, not including Title & References Pages -- and it is due on the last day of the class.