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Social Psychological Theory


The appropriate social psychological theory of health applications in the Coronavirus pandemic is the health belief model. It can influence compliance to the containment measures of preventing the rapid spread of coronavirus because it is relevant in disease prevention programs. The health belief model explains and predicts changing patterns surrounding health behaviors. Hence, its wide usage. Awareness about coronavirus's direct effects can pressurize people to be more vigilant on the containment measures such as wearing masks, social distancing, observing proper hygiene, and avoiding crowded places.             The health belief model's theoretical constructs are based on cognitive psychology theories. Mental processes propose that behavior is a function of how human beings value results and evaluate expectations. When people assess risks developing from coronavirus subjectively, the process is called perceived susceptibility. Individuals who believe in their susceptibility to emerging health problems are cautious in their behaviors to reduce exposure to risks. Coronavirus spreads faster among individuals with low perceived susceptibility because their denial exposure to the risks contributes to careless actions. Furthermore, some individuals acknowledge their possible exposure to health risks but consider them unlikely.             The perceived threat is a combination of perceived susceptibility and perceived severity. People's perceptions about particular health conditions depend on their knowledge about the causes and effects. Individuals who strictly follow the guidelines of preventing risky illnesses need to identify the value of their efforts to avoid being influenced negatively by others.  Individuals' assessment of the barrier to behavior change is a perceived barrier. Obstacles such as poverty, inadequate infrastructure, and inappropriate research hinder people from engaging in health promotion behaviors regardless of their risk awareness.
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