Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Social Problem in America Immigration. Social Problems in America: Immigration Over years, there have been various debates concerning immigration. Immigration has reshaped America throughout the history of America since the initial newcomers arrived over four hundred years ago. For this reason, there have been concerns on whether the government should continue allowing more immigrants in the country. Nevertheless, immigrants have significantly contributed to the development of the US as a nation by their social, economic as well as political processes. The core aim of this essay paper is to describe the social problems that are associated with immigration in America. In addition, there will be an analysis of the variables that contributes to the origin of these social issues.Immigration has contributed to various economic, social as well as economic developments in America. Fundamentally, people from different parts of the World migrated to America in search of greener pastures either legally or illegally. Due to the divisive politics surrounding immigration, it has been very challenging ever since for America to adjust its immigration policies. For this reason, Immigration in America has caused various problems (Hipsman and Meissner).Virtually, illegal immigration has adversely influenced the education in America. Education is the solution to a successful life for the illegal immigrants as well as the legal citizens of America. Illegal immigration has developed various setbacks to the education system of different institutions. For instance, majority of immigrants are not financially stable and, as a result, majority of them take their children to schools that offer bilingual education. Bilingual schools make immigrants student to feel very different most of them end up having low test scores in their exams. This is because most immigrants do not speak English. in most cases immigrant students spend most of their time teaching themselves English while they could be mastering their disciplines.Additionally, immigrants are often associated with criminal activities such as drug trafficking, illegal gangs, prostitution among others. Illegal as well are undocumented immigrants fail to access formal jobs as the government does not legally recognize them. For this reason, most of them engage illegal activities such carjacking. Also, Immigrants are geographically located in states that have few social amenities including health facilities, better schools among others. Therefore, Majority has a feeling that they have are not important to the country. Essentially, in most cases, legal citizens use the services of the illegal immigrants to carry out criminal activities in the country as they cannot be identified easily (Panayi 211).American citizens see immigrants as a threat in acquiring job opportunities. Due to the diversity of education, Majority of immigrant possesses skills and expertise that are threatening to the American citizens. Many people in various parts of the world view American to be rich in job opportunities due to its stable economic status. Therefore, majority of American citizen job seekers argues that they need to be given priority in every job opportunity despite the qualification (Hipsman and Meissner).In Conclusion, Immigration will continue to pretense social threats in America not to mention terrorism which has significantly caused considerable deaths over the last decades. Illegal immigrants perform majority of terrorist of terrorist activities that are carried out. The government needs to have reforms that will address the venerable problems of illegal immigrants as wells legal immigrants. The paper has critically discussed the variables that contribute to the origin of social problems associated with immigration including criminal activities, job opportunities among others.Works CitedHipsman, Faye and Doris Meissner. Immigration in the United States: New Economic,Social, Political Landscapes with Legislative Reform on the Horizon. 16 April2013. Web. 28 March 2015.Panayi, Panikos. The Impact of Immigration: A Documentary History of the Effects andExperiences of Immigrants in Britain Since 1945. Manchester: ManchesterUniversity Press, 1999. Book.