Discussing the “Inequality”, why they chose the subject, its significance, and lastly its impact on modern/current sports culture.Reference:-Hively, K. (2014). You throw like a girl:" The effect of stereotype threat on women's athleticperformance and gender stereotypes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(1), 48-55., M. (2011). Gender Ideologies, Youth Sports, and the Production of Soft Essentialism.Sociology of Sport Journal, 157-170.-Mass, A., D'ettole, C., & Cadinu, M. (2008). Checkmate? The role of gender stereotypes in theultimateintellectual sport. The European Journal of Social Psychology, 231–245. (Accessed: 05-14-2007).-W. D. K. (2018). More Than a Game: A History of the African American Experience in Sport.Rowman & Littlefield.The Paper will be structured as follows:• APA format• Times New Roman, Calibri, Cambria • 1.5 to 2.0 (double-spaced) spacing. • 11pt. to 12pt. font• 5-page (not including reference page).• APA format ( 6th edition )• Third-person perspective.• Title page including: Name, Date, Class, Subject (Title of project), and Last name of Professor. For more information on Social Inequality in Sports check on this: