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Create 4 to 5 S-M-A-R-T goals and objectives and demonstrate how they link to your Strategy Diamond and personal vision and mission statements. FIND STRATEGY DIAMON AND PERSONAL VISION AND MISSION ATTACHED  Step for complete my Strategy Diamond   §  I will set clear and objectives that I will be able to achieve. §   I will focus on the specific objectives of the business. §  I will ensure that the business is flexible in that I may adjust possible changes that are needed. §  I will replace my bad habits with good habits. §  I will trust in myself to achieve my goals. §  I will be provocative t ensure the success of my business. §  I will make sure to consult when I need help.   Personal objectives ·         To advance in my technology. ·         I aim to improve my working skills. ·         Learn to play the piano ·         I aim to improve my communication skills. ·         Have good results in my courses. ·         To have a master's in accounting. ·         I aim to increase the bond with my friends. ·         I aim to build new teamwork. ·         To increase my confidence in doing any task. ·         Be kinder to my parents. ·         To open a new bank account to enhance the saving of the money. ·         Receive a job promotion ·         Achieve personal and professional development. ·         To educate society on the best way of investing. ·         I aim to do more charity work. ·         To increase my happiness and love for all people.   Goals ·         To finish my undergraduate course. ·         To build my beautiful home. ·         To buy my right car. ·         To venture into a lucrative business. ·         To marry within one year and have many four children.
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