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Significance of Great Wars

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You will write an essay on the significance of the Great War that links the war to 1) genocide of Armenians, Jews, and Bosnians, 2) decolonization and its effects, 3) today’s problems in the Middle East, 4) Cold War, 5) international relationships in the twenty-first century.



Significance of Great Wars

1.      Significance of World War I on Genocide of Armenian, Jews and Bosnians

World War I provided the Young Turk dictatorship with an opportunity to accomplish the nationalist objective. They rejected Germany's offer mainly because of the close relationship and economic ties between the two militaries and compatible boundaries ambitions for a battle against Rissa. Young Turk government entered into a secret military agreement with the German government and joined the battle on the side of the central power. The Armenian conflict Zone comprised 45 per cent while Muslims comprised 55% of the total population. Ottoman military chief planned to deport Armenians from the war zone, but the plan was cancelled by Entente powers and still the neutral United States. The Ottoman troops lacked expertise in the war; hence lost nearly half of their soldiers. On the flip side, Armenian sold loyally and bravely and blamed Armenian traitors for their defeat.

2. Decolonization and Its Effects

Second Word ward war significantly contributed to the attainment of independence in various developing countries across the globe. Initially, many countries, especially the countries in the African continent, were ruled by foreigners. Africans could not chase foreigners from their land due to a lack of military expertise. During the Great World War II, foreigners such as Germany, France and British, among others, took advantages of the countries they colonized to counter their rivals in the battle. The colonizer obtained a workforce from their respective countries of colonization. They would train them and equip them with firearms to face the struggle in their colonizers home countries against the enemies. The engagement in World War II equipped Africans with military skills, communication and collaboration skills that enabled them to work together as a team in fighting the colonial powers in their respective countries. After World War II, the Africans resumed their home countries had gained enough civilization to claim their freedom from foreigners. The skills gained from the world wars too helped them fight the foreign powers to get independence.

3. Significance of First World War in the current problem in the Middle East



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