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Sense of Self Discussion


Discussion 1: Sense of Self Social psychologists contend that a human can organize his or her understanding of the self in multiple ways, including formation of the self-concept, use of self-schemas, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. Such self distinctions are supported through research depicting three main self functions, including reflexive consciousness, or the ability to look upon oneself; interpersonal engagement, or the awareness of oneself as interacting with others; and executive function, or the self's role in taking control of daily functioning. Finally, there are at least three key motives for why the self functions as it does, including the need to learn more about oneself, the need to believe positively about oneself, and the need for consistency in self-knowledge. For this Discussion, think about a recent event in your life and consider how the three main functions of self impact your overall sense of self. By Day 3 With these thoughts in mind: Post by Day 3 a brief description of the recent event you selected. Then, describe one of the three main functions of the self (ability to engage in reflexive consciousness, ability to interact with others, or ability to control daily functioning) that were evident in the event you selected and explain why. Finally, explain which of the three motives for self-functioning (need to learn, need to believe positively about yourself, or need for consistency of self-knowledge) may have motivated your actions in the event you selected and why. Use the Learning Resources and the current literature to support your response. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
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