Final Paper English Lit: 2000 words, 8 sources, at least 4 from our readings in class. MLA or APA style. A science fiction paper on the idea/theme of Intelligence, comparing Alien and Artificial Intelligence to Human Intelligence and how humans react to and are challenged by these other higher intelligences in Sci-Fi. Also I would like that the positives and negatives or effects that artificial intelligence could have on the world be included. Stories/Movies to be used/included are, “ The Sentinel,” by Arthur C. Clark (first contact story) “ A Martian Odyssey,” by Stanley G. Weinbaum (first contact and building of relationship between one of human intelligence and supernatural intelligence) “ Think Like a Dinosaur,” by James Patrick Kelly ( Alien/Supernatural Intelligence) “ Rogue Farm,” by Charles Stross ( Human Challenges w Alien Intelligence) “ I have no Mouth I Must Scream by (Artificial intelligence and effect on world) “ Here comes soft rains” ( AI outlasted human creation) “ Arrival” (Movie) or “ Story of Your Life “ by Ted Chiang (Human/Alien Interactions) “Reason ” by Isaac Asimov (Robots/AI) “Artificial Intelligence” (Movie) The Star- ( human reaction/arrogance)