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Role of men in movies. Glenn Ficarra and John Requa

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The film called "Focus

Role of men in movies, Glenn Ficarra and John Requa


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Role of men in movies

Image One (contemporary)

The media artifact I chose to analyze is extracted from the film called "Focus." The image is created by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, regarded by many as individuals of character and experts in the film industry; it was released on February 27, 2015. The image was addressed to the larger audience that prefers romantic crime comedy-drama movies. The main character, Nick Spurgeon (Will Smith) plays a very critical role of a man who is deep rooted in criminal activities; he runs a black market syndicate that acquires items through pickpocketing and scam on a massive scale.

For that reason, the purpose of this image is to create a clear picture of what is to be expected and understood in the movie. The image goes further, to highlight the extent of gender identity in the society. The social stereotypes dictate and portray the men as a superior sex that is why in the image the lady is standing behind the man. The image points out that the need to address gender inequality in the film industry that has curtailed the development of women in movie making. Therefore, the image is proof that the society is characterized by inequitable gender representation. In consequence, according to Hall (90), the issues surrounding gender stereotypes have resulted to heated arguments regarding the iteration of an ongoing debate about the gender diversity in the film industry, with many in the civil society advocating for an all-inclusive film industry. Additionally, the image reveals the social stereotype surrounding the role of men in crime. Hence, it is important to note that the society portrays great differences between men and women as the perpetrators or victims of crime. However, statistics have continuously pointed towards the direction of men being involved in crime more than women. Thus, the image is rhetorically efficient as it has moved me to think about the subject matter that touches on the thorny issues of...


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