Does college in united states provide "safe spaces" (Hemphill 558) or limit political discourse on campus to "free speech zones" (Hemphill 559). Are such policies as common as Hemphill suggests in "What Happened to Free Speech on College Campuses"? Use the Internet to research the current state of speech codes on campus, at HCC, the University of Houston, Lone Star College, Texas Southern University, San Jacinto College, and Rice University. Summarize the content of such codes, which may include definitions of offensive speech, harassment policies, or lists of penalties for noncompliance. Then discuss whether you approve or disapprove of the implementation of speech codes in college settings. Do you feel they infringe on individuals' First Amendment rights (if you are unfamiliar with the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, look it up online to see what it entails), for instance, or do you think they're a necessary tool in protecting the rights of minority students? Perhaps your opinion lies somewhere in between the two extremes. If so, you may need to narrow your discussion to a particular aspect of the codes you investigate.