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Rhetorical Situation Research


Basic Instructions: Complete this worksheet fully. That is, all questions must have an answer. If you cannot identify an answer to a question, explain why you cannot. You will be asked to write complete sentences for particular questions, so read each question fully. If any questions are left blank or if complete sentences are not provided when requested, the worksheet will be marked as Incomplete. Rhetorical Situation CONTEXT (will require brief research)1. Who is the author/what is the author’s profession/background? (This is part of Ethos or credibility of the author).2. In which source text was the reading originally published/printed/produced?3. What is the original date of publication?4. Identify one or two significant historical circumstances of the text’s production by locating current events, theories, or previous articles/studies that influenced the author’s decision to write this text or conduct this study. You are looking for how this text fits into the academic conversation happening on the topic at the time it was written. Write in complete sentences.STRUCTURE AND APPEALS 1. Identify how and where the author(s) employs obvious (e.g., headings, subheadings, lists, labels, bullets, etc.) or subtle structural cues (e.g., subject transitions).2. Describe the language of the text, focusing on word choice. Be sure to note any words that are repeated often. Do not just list words, but also describe the language being used in the text. Write in compete sentences.3. Identify any Logos (logical appeals) (supporting evidence, previous studies, stories, logical statements) and state their purpose. That is, state at least 2-4 key pieces of evidence that the author uses as support and state the purpose of using that piece of evidence using complete sentences.4. Identify any Pathos (emotional appeals) and state their purpose using complete sentences.PURPOSE1. What is the purpose of the work (e.g., argument, narrative, commentary, etc.) and how does the author identify that purpose? Write in complete sentences and cite evidence from the source text.2. Identify and explain the original intended audience as stated (or implied) by the author.MAIN CLAIM1. State the topic (noun): 2. State the main argument/claim in one complete sentence (must include an active verb):
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