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Responsible Management


The mission of this assignment is to get a more in-depth understanding of the business world and become aware and acquainted with the media and multitude of information available on the business world. All four 1-2-page papers will be developed around your choice of current events as they relate to Responsible Management (i.e.–ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability). Each paper MUST utilize the template provided, a news article from the last six months, and be properly cited (APA citation is the preferred method).  All papers are due by 11:59pm in the Assignments dropbox on the corresponding due date.*It is expected that students cite all sources referenced in-text and in a full citation at the end of the paper using APA format. APA style and citation format should be used for all assignments. Paper Template: Provided as a Word Document in Content (Important Course Materials); sections to include: •Summary of Article (1-2 paragraphs –DO NOT COPY ENTIRE ARTICLE) •Analysis (2-4 paragraphs –3 or more MAJOR Issues as relates to Topic and Course Learning for Unit) •Responsible Management (2-4 paragraphs –address the ethical, socially responsible, and sustainability impact of this article on business and society) •Recommendations (3 RECOMMENDATIONS with 1-3 Positive and 1-3 Negative consequences of implementing the Recommendation for EACH RECOMMENDATION) •References (ALL sources cited in APA or MLA format! –web links are NOT sufficient) Headers are required for each section (see Template), this is APA format.
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