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Researched Argumentative Essay


(https://www.cengage.com/custom/static_content/OLC/s76656_76218lf/hurston.pdf)                                                                                                                                   Topic: At the end of her essay,  Zora Neale Hurston uses the symbol of bags to explain how she feels about her race as "bag[s] of miscellany." She calls her own bag brown, which would literally refer to a grocery, lunch, or liquor bag, and notes briefly that there are bags of other colors as well.  Write a four  (4) full page researched argument essay (4 paragraphs) about: Does Zora Neale Hurston convince us that she is black? (Choose a side: YES OR NO) (Use specific details in the story to argue your case without using “I.”)  In addition to quoting the text, select 3 external critical articles about “How it Feels to be Colored Me” that were published on the internet from different websites (Google Scholar,  MDC library databases,  academic journals, ebooks, etc…) written by experts in the field of literature within the last ten years. You will be expected to use quotations from your external sources as well, following the MLA citations guidelines for in-text and references citations in your essay. The MLA guidelines will be published shortly on Blackboard. Use MLA in-text citations after your direct quotes and MLA Works Cited at the end of your essay. I went ahead and wrote an outline for the structure of the essay including the 3 sources at the end to be used for the citations. Here they are:  How it feels to be colored me (outline) Content: Introduction Plot summary / story briefing   Writer’s context Story summary Personal interpretation Thesis statement (Zora’s strong sense of identity kept her from seeing her skin as a meaningful difference between her and others)     Young Zora     Eatonville, Florida Views on white people Early positive interactions     Teenage Zora   Context Race awareness Identity prevails   Cosmic Zora   Empowerment Zora, a Feminist Modern relevance     http://www.mrspsela.com/uploads/2/1/8/7/21879712/unit-4---hurston-how-it-feels.pdf      https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=GOxyAwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA95&dq=how+it+feels+to+be+colored+ME&ots=3W0A7xzpLo&sig=YpZFJOwUThDAvqfjjPVOl0OAK70#v=onepage&q=ZORA&f=false   https://search.proquest.com/openview/d942635b75667ff09c484d6c0fa3b3e7/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=42045
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