Write a good researched 7-8 pages, typed, 12-point font and double-spaced essay with citations in the body of the text indicating the name of the author, year of publication, and page numbers of the citation. Attached MLA bibliography. You are allowed to use two outside sources. Make sure they are peer reviewed articles. My final essay will discuss the effect of religion and revolution among central Americans. I will begin by discussing the article (Matching Humanitarian Norms with cold hard refugees). This allows me to go in-depth about what causes many Central Americans to migrate to different locations during revolutions and the effects that it cause. Then I will discuss (Bandits and blanket thieves communists and terrorists the politics of naming Sandinistas in Nicaragua) and (Cutumay Camones Liberation). These two articles will allow me to analyze the effects that religion has among central Americans. Lastly, the two books (Religious Pluralism and Social Change: Coming to Terms with Complexity.... (CSUN Book)) and (Religion, revolution, and reform: new forces for change in Latin America (CSUN Book)) will allow me to analyze the effects that both religion and revolution have in central America