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Relationship between Middle Range and Grand Theories for Nursing
A theory includes related concepts that explain a phenomenon.
Nursing theory defines factors that inform professional practice.
A theory describes the nursing practice, through outlining professional duties.
Nursing theories relate propositions to concepts. oPropositions outline connections between concepts. oConcepts describe a phenomenon.
Nursing theories explains goals and outcomes of care applied in medicine.
Scope, purpose, and philosophical underpinnings nursing theories.
Behavioral, physical, and biological sciences inform nursing theories.
Nursing philosophical models have two levels; grand and middle-range theories.
Grand and Middle-range Theories
A grand theory extensively summaries general frameworks for structuring ideas. o Need theory by Virginia Henderson is a grand model.
o Virginia was an influential nurse educator.
o Her peers recognized her as the "first lady of nursing" (Im, 2018).
o She emphasized patient self-determination.
A middle-range theory narrowly defines a phenomenon by suggesting interventions. o Nursing Process Discipline Theory by Orlando Jean is a middle-range model.
o Orlando was of Irish American descent.
o She stressed on nurses meeting patient needs.
• NeedTheory
Development of Theories
o Henderson published the theory in the 1960s (Roy, 2019).
o She derived the theory from her work and focused on basic human needs.
o Virginia intended to define the unique focus of nursing practice.
o Need theory stresses on patient independence.
o The theory emphasizes that nurses should only intervene when needed.
o Henderson believed that patient self-determination hastens healing processes.
o The theory includes 14 different components such as sleep and rests, elimination of body waste, and so on (Liehr & Smith, 2017).
• NursingProcessDisciplineTheory
o Ida published the theory in 1961.
o Ida developed this theory following her study at Yale University.
o She incorporated fundamentals for mental health into nursing practice.
o Ida acknowledged that patients have to participate in nursing processes.
o Orlando characterized nursing as a distinct profession different from medicine.
o According to the theory, nurses determine their actions (Im, 2018).
o Past experiences and organizational needs should not affect nursing practice.
o Physicians should only order patients and not nurses.
• NeedTheory
Major Concepts
o It entails different concepts, including nursing, health, the environment, and the individual.
o According to Virginia, patients' basic needs influence their health (Liehr & Smith, 2017).
o The theory has major assumptions concerning nursing practice.
§ A nurse should care for patients.
§ Nurses have a willingness to serve.
§ Nurses need education in arts and sciences.
o A person’s basic needs influence components of health.
o Nurses have to offer assistance to promote the quality of health.