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Relationship Between Democracy and Education

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1)    Referring to Wendy Brown’s Undoing the Demos and at least one other text from this semester, what do you think is the relationship between democracy and education? Does democracy require an educated citizenry? If so, what kind of education? What does this tell us about the nature of democracy?


Relationship Between Democracy and Education

Final paper

Democracy is a kind of governance in which citizens are allowed to participate in administration in the government. Citizens contribute to the governance of a country through sharing opinions in public for economic and political development. Besides, they can contribute to the governance well-being through voting rights in which they elected their representatives to speak on their behalf in the government. Democracy requires that persons authorize their laws and a prime political decision directly or through representatives. They too share other self-effacingly in other, non-legal powers governing their lives. Anything then that does not amount to democracy in-country or region. Besides, democracy has particular conditions without which it cannot be minimally maintained. Democracy does not necessarily command absolute economic and social equality, but it cannot tolerate massive and fixed extreme of poverty and wealth because such destabilize the task of legislating in common. The occurrence of extremes deters the possibility of shared values, and class powers and resentments become critical, making the act of combining to rule together impracticable. 

Democracy and education have an inseparable relationship between them. Democracy does call for absolute equity, but at the same time, it cannot prevail in the opposite, and the same case applies to an educated citizenry. Democracy may not require universal political contribution but cannot survive the individuals' total witlessness of the forces influencing their lives and determining their future. Citizenry left to its passion and interest, particularly in a period of unprecedentedly composite powers, definitely comes to be governed by gentle despotism of other authorities, even as it endures to progress under the symbol of fairness and imagine itself free. In the same vein, neoliberal rationality decreases the meaning of freedom and sovereignty to unimpeded behavior and the meaning of citizenships to simple empowerment. This evisceration of strong norms of democracy is supplemented by an unparalleled challenge to democratization political and economic supremacy, complicated marketing and theatricality in politics organization owned media, and a historically unprecedented excess of data and views. The dramatic diminishing of primary democratic values accompanied by this intensification of non-democratic forces and conditions threatens to replace self-rule with a polity. Individuals are hostages of every mode of modern power. In simple terms, for a democratic state to prevail, conditions such as restricted extreme of concentrated poverty and wealth alignment toward nationality as a practice of considering the public good and the citizen modestly discerning about the ways of authority, history, justice, and representation must hold. The democratic condition is sternly challenged by neoliberal policy and rationality. Limits on poverty and wealth and educated citizens aligned toward problems of public life are left hanging by neoliberal governance, values, and spoiled social state.

Democracy requires educated citizenry with liberal kinds of education educations. Democracy is created on the primary assertion, which must be re-founded and propagated by liberal education is such education is to sustain its significance tradition and validate itself by progress and social importance. Democracy and culture, despite their frequent failure in the last two centuries, are independent and alike. They emanate from the same sources, and they must recall a similar developmental doctrine. The doctrine accord men with dignity, as human beings win attained freedom by using the same formative doctrine. Men also achieve other benefits like access to power by deploying the same decree, which sustains them in the authority and leadership of the community. The advancement in technology and human civilization changed the people's ideas and motives from learning to deliver quality service and equality in the community and secure a better job and earn more in...


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