Ethnic & Racial Divisions In The U.S. Assignment Assignments This is a longer homework assignment than usual. Please answer these questions in 2-3 sentences each. (Some may require slightly longer answers). 1) What is assimilation? 2 What do "salad bowl" and "melting pot" mean with regards to assimilation? 3 What was the dominant culture at the time of the American Revolution? 3 What effect did it have on subsequent immigration? 4) How was slavery a complete contradiction of traditional American values? 5) How did northern whites react to slavery? 6) What was Abraham Lincoln's appeal to northern whites? 7) After the end of slavery, what issues prevented African Americans from assimilating into the larger culture? 8) What specific event brought about the end of racial segregation? . 9) What two civil rights laws were the result of King's activities? 10) What effect did the Civil Rights laws have on the lives of all minorities in the US