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Psychology Fundamentals Discussion


Deliverable #1: Write a discussion post answering the following questions. The length should be about 2 pages, single-spaced, and you should reference Chapter 14 of the attached textbook. What is the difference between having a sad mood/feeling "depressed" and Major Depressive Disorder?  Compare what you learned last week about Freud's idea of anxiety (unconscious conflict stemming from unacceptable wishes and desires) and the biopsychosocial theories you learned about this week. What are the defining features of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? What were some of the possible causes of Stephanie's OCD specifically? Find a link online that demonstrates what it's like to have symptoms of schizophrenia (from youtube or elsewhere). This is really challenging, because a lot of the videos out there are exaggerated and, frankly, absurd. Try to use what you learned in your reading to determine if the depiction is reasonable (I will weigh in on this as well in discussion). Discuss your reactions and questions. Deliverable #2: Write a thoughtful response to two of peer postings, which I have selected and attached in this order. You can write half a page of response to each.
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