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Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock 1960)


DISCUSSION ESSAY: Watch PSYCHO (Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) in its entirety (108 mins) and write about it in one essay post. EITHER identify some of its implicit and explicit meanings (define these terms first, with reference to your textbook), taking care to distinguish between the two, OR write about how PSYCHO manipulates space and time. (Your posted essay should be *at least* 750 words -- and often longer -- to address your topic thoroughly.)  ALWAYS DEFINE YOUR TERMS BEFORE YOU GIVE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES when writing essays, however brief those essays may be.  Remember that you should write formally, using complete sentences and distinct paragraphs. Include a thesis at the beginning of your essay, define terms very specifically (e.g., implicit, explicit meanings, space and time) referring to the textbook and course videos before you start applying them to the film, and support your observations with specific examples from the films and the textbook. Rather than trying to discuss the film as a whole throughout your essay, focus on specific scenes or moments as examples in order to drill down into your topic. The more specific you can be, the better. Give page numbers if you cite or quote the textbook.
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