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Press Release - Written Portion

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Create a press release for a new product or event being released. This is something that could be read at a press conference. Any topic in the news right now is acceptable WITH THE EXCEPTION OF APPLE PRODUCTS (mainly because I don't wish to grade 20 variations of an Apple press release!  Find something else! :-))  You may use political topics, charities, events (stage, screen, concerts), sporting events, entertainment releases/announcements, even something related to social media madness. This should also be submitted in written format through Canvas.

***Please note:  After you write out your press release, you should read it out loud and time yourself to determine the length. Your video recording (the next part of this assignment) should be approximately 1:30 to 2 minutes in length total.  If your press release is significantly under these time requirements, then you need more material.  If your press release is significantly over these requirements, then be prepared to either shorten the written version, or cut out some parts when you make your recording. 

Be sure to look at the lesson associated with this assignment, and review the examples provided.  

The press release should cover the following points:

What?: What is happening?

Who?: Who is the person/company/etc. that is involved?

When?: When did this happen or when will it happen?

Why?: Why is this pressing information and why is this happening? 

Where?: Where is this happening? (This could be a physical place or an online forum – ie: Twitter, Netflix, etc.)

How?: How did this happen and how is it going to affect the general public?

Other information?: Give me background, contact information and numbers, anything additional that you find makes this story important.  

For further inquiries:  who should they contact and how (phone number?)  


Press Release - Written Portion

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