I need a Paper that is covering the poverty issues and in work solutions that are happening currently in El Salvador. I've listed 12 sources as needed, but I would appreciate it as long there are one to three sources per section. I've listed many sources, but you will probably need to look up and research about poverty in El Salvadore as well. I would like each section to be about a page long and please no pictures or graphics. I will also need a cover page and a reference page not counting the six pages. Here are the instructions and a list of sources to use: Instructions In this assignment, you are to identify at least one major problem or issue area pertaining to poverty in one country. They are to synthesize, analyze, apply, and evaluate course sources to: 1. Succinctly and clearly write a statement the problem or issue, which must pertain to global poverty in at least one country. 2. Present your analysis of the problem presented in #1 above. Utilize research (e.g. indices and data sources addressed in this course), published articles and media to identify, explain, analyze and evaluate the scope, depth, range, and context of the problem that pertain to the country(ies) of your focus. In this section, students must synthesize and include the global contexts of the problem, including country-specific and international forces and factors of interconnectedness, intersectionality, multidimensionality. Synthesize, analyze, evaluate, and apply SW 780-01 course content. 3. Specify the desired end result(s) or goal(s) of change efforts that would reduce, rectify, or eliminate the problem or issue you identified in #1 and #2. 4. Pinpoint options for achieving the goals specified in #3. State what can or should be done to address the problem and achieve the goal(s). 5. Identify and discuss possible actions -- tactics and strategies -- that might be utilized to reduce/eliminate poverty and invoke multi-levels of changes (micro, mezzo, and macro). Specify the types of tactics and strategies you mention in your discussion. 6. Analyze and evaluate the options you pinpointed in #4 and the tactics and strategies you discussed in #5. Project ahead and state your prediction of success (in terms of achievement of goal(s), #3) if you were to institute what you proposed. Justify your prediction based on reasoned and informed factors and/or evidence. Analyze and project implications and impacts. Assignment 5 paper is to contain responses to all 6 sections specified above. Use the underscored words as headings for each respective section of this paper. Sources: Alkire, Sabina & Jahan, Selim. (September 2018). The New Global MPI 2018: Aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals. 2018 United Nations Development Report Occasional Paper. 3 MAJOR CAUSES OF POVERTY IN EL SALVADOR Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook [Gini Index for countries]. Gates, Bill & Gates, Melinda. (2018, September 22). “We Were Making Headway on Global Poverty. What’s About to Change?” New York Times. melinda-gates-global-poverty.html Page 18 of 36 synthesis (completion of course objectives and learning outcomes) and action paper or project: Change tactics and strategies for anti-poverty programs and multi-level change. Kharas, Homil; Kristofer Hamel & Martin Hofer. (2018, December 13). “Rethinking Global Poverty Reduction in 2019” reduction-in-2019/ Nilsen, Alf Gunvald. (2018, October 17). “Why the World Bank’s Optimism about Global Poverty Misses the Point” Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI). Roser, Max & Ortiz-Ospina, Esteban. (2017, March 27). “Global Extreme Poverty” Social Progress Index. The World Bank. “Decline of Global Extreme Poverty Continues but Has Slowed: World Bank” continues-but-has-slowed-world-bank The World Bank Group. Poverty. United Nations Human Development Reports. “The 2018 Multidimensional Poverty Index” The World Bank. “The World by Income and Region” indicators/the-world-by-income-and-region.html United Nations. “Poverty Eradication, Inclusive Growth Focus of UN Social Development Commission’s 2018 Session” focus-un-social-development-commissions-2018-session/ United Nations. “About the Sustainable Development Goals” United Nations. “Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 1: End Poverty in all its Forms Everywhere” United Nations. “Ending Poverty” United Nations. “Global Human Development Indicators” [by specific country]: United Nations. “Human Development Report. The 2018 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)” United Nations Human Development Reports [Index and data]. development-index-hdi United Nations. “International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 17 October” Page 19 of 36 United Nations. “Millennium Development Goals” World Economic Forum. “Which Countries Spend the Most on Food?” World Health Forum. “6 Charts on Education Around the World” World Health Organization. Global Health Observatory (GHO) Data