A frustrating thing about a general Pharmacology course is that, while it may cover your area of interest it also is general--and focuses on all aspects of Pharmacology. For this assignment, present the following: A brief case study of a patient in ICU of medical practice. This patient MUST have a pharmacologic intervention. (1) Discuss drugs used, (2) doses, (3) rationale for use, and (4) duration--including (5) why and when the drug may be discontinued. This should be original work but does not have to be pages long. See the example below: EX: A 68-year-old male patient presents to the ED with chest pain and SOB. (Do not include all aspects of history--only those that are pertinent to DRUG decisions for the patient) Tests run to rule in/out a cardiac event include: With the above data, the following meds at the doses indicated were started: Medications A, B, and C will be continued as at-home meds. Drugs D, E, and F were used while the patient was in-house, and was discontinued at discharge.