The purpose of Assignment 5 is to allow you to demonstrate your grasp of strategic thought and process. To demonstrate that you can apply data to your scenario, simplify it to give it meaning and be able to apply it and determine its impact on your business scenario. Your assignment is to complete a Strategic Analysis of your company based largely upon the information that you already have and whatever else you feel you require to complete your unique scenario. The final Strategic Analysis document will take the form of a business paper that is structured to include: 1. A dust cover that includes: a. Course ID b. Assignment # c. Name of the document, “Initial Strategic Analysis of (name of your company) d. Student name 2. Executive Summary (1 – 2 pages spaced) The Executive Summary must not contain new information. Instead, it is a concise, accurate reflection, in summary form, of the contents of the Strategic Analysis paper 3. Main Paper (“Strategic Analysis of your company name”, 1,500 - 2,000 words plus what is in the Executive Summary and the Annexes and Appendices. General Format Each section will be formatted as described below. General Writing style will generally conform to apa. guidelines, especially for references but will be written in a business style, aimed at a Board of Directors and the Senior Executives of an organization as an informative document and will include conclusions and recommendations in at least the Exec Summary, The main paper and each Annex. The type will be Times New Roman, 12, double spaced. Point form and brevity are critical to this format. Part 2 - Addendum 1 - Critical Thinking overview 2.5 % You will reinforce learning outcomes and evaluate their learning in this course by reflecting critically on their finished Individual Major Project (International Strategic Business Plan). A Critical Thinking Report will be a reflective 250-word paper providing recommendations and observations regarding the completeness of their research and their evaluation of the viability of their proposed venture. Part 3 - Addendum 2 - Journal Summary 2.5 % Journals promote deep learning. Students are required to maintain a journal containing their personal thoughts on the materials covered throughout the course. They will document their ‘ah-ha’ moments, comment on points of agreement and disagreement, and record their salient reflective thoughts. Students will be told why and how to journal during the first class. a 250 word document highlighting what they believe to be the most important observations written in their Journals. This will become Addendum 1 to the documents and will be placed at the end of the Appendixes to the Last Annex and will be listed in the table of contents.