Reflective Reading Journal 4 (Module/Week 4)What is the purpose of personality assessments? This week you will reflect and define your understanding of the purpose of personality tests. Complete both points below and respond inyour journal entry:1. Go to the HumanMetrics website Itcontains a free personality assessment based on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI). It contains 72 forced-choice yes/no questions. When you click submit theassessment will give you a four-letter type. After you take the assessment review yourresults. In your journal response, address the following:a) Identify your four-letter type.b) Name three careers that fit your "type."c) Identify three personality traits that you think fit your personality.d) Did your results surprise you? Who or why not?e) Does your type fit with being a professional counselor? Defend your answer.2.Go to the website that offers the Big Five Personality Test.a) Compare these results to your results from the MBTI.b) Identify the results from this assessment.c) Did any of the results surprise you?Why or why not?d) Did you learn anything different from the first assessment?e) What were TWO benefits of taking both assessments?