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Personal Statement for Strategic Marketing

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Personal Statement for Strategic Marketing


Personal Statement for Strategic Marketing

Businesses’ complexity, uncertainty, transformative, and dynamic nature have always intrigued me. I have strong aspirations to become a marketing manager for a renowned lately cosmeceutical establishment.

In my roadmap to becoming a marketing manager, I must engineer and fulfill both short and long-term goals. A Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Direction at the University of the Arts London provided a visual concept to branding and trend forecasting. Exploring the future of marketing strategies through virtual reality was amongst one of my final research projects. Courtesy of Donald Miller’s “Building a Story Brand,” I now perceive marketing as that breakthrough venture that young companies must embrace, given the quest to avoid insolvency; this being said, I anticipate studying Strategic Marketing at your institution to acquire a theoretical and strategic point of view. In addition, the opportunity to investigate different business approaches and practices is en route to self-becoming an excellent marketing manager. It is also within my goals to become a strong and effective leader. In the past, I have taken the responsibility of Senior Prefect and House Captain, delivering weekly speeches to 200 students automatically developed my presentation skills. Equally important, serving as a student representative during my BA program, working closely with the students’ union taught me the importance of empathy and effective communication between different stakeholders. Despite completing an online leadership course provided by Harvard University, I desire more to exercise my leadership. I believe this program will fine-touch my confidence level, advancing my management technique and ability to influence.

Design and reinterpreting were core focuses of my previous degree; this became a barrier as it made me lose touch with theoretical business practices. It is fascinating how BA in Creative Design cocooned me to down look other essential skills relating to strategic marketing. In response to the deficiency, I countered by taking an online Digital marketing course delivered by Edinburgh University to endow me with the knowledge and importance. Also, “Influence: Science and Practice” by Robert Cialdini has been instrumental in shaping a growth mindset, urging me to critique and improve constantly. Thus, another barrier to achieving my goals is a lack of exposure. This program can help expose and link me to industry practitioners and leaders. Having a pool of professionals around me is a great inspiration and will help build me career-wise and personally. A further challenge is understanding different business cultures worldwide since I aspire to work internationally. I...


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