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Personal and Professional Development Module Assignment

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Personal and Professional Development Module Assignment

















More often than not human beings will possess several skills that enable them to navigate through various life challenges. A good example is when a person has a high level of analytical skills. Analytical ability is a knowledge-based quality that makes a person very successful in the job industry. Currently, employers are looking for people with unique skills to help in solving daily operational challenges as well as accruing a competitive advantage for a company. Even then, there is no single person who can claim to have no fouls. It is the nature of people to be limited in some things while they are exceptionally good at others; both strengths and weaknesses are coupled in people's life. Take an example where one is excellent at public speaking. Such an individual may appear sociable, charismatic, and even outgoing, however, after a close interaction with such an individual, one may realize that he/she has a problem making friends or even does not possesses good leadership skills. During various personal and professional activities and experiences, I tend to believe I am a strong team-player.

Definition and Description of Team-Player Quality

There is a common saying "Alone we can go very fast, but how far we go is limited;" is a simple overlook of what team-player means. In everyday human activities, cases of encountering reliance and interdependence are unavoidable. We are social beings, and as such, we tend to rely on each other to enhance our output. That is where the aspect of the team-payer quality comes in. A team player, according to Tarricone & Luca (2016), is a person that easily engages, contributes, socializes, and finds ease when working as a group. In various academic activities that I have undertaken in this university and elsewhere, I have always found successes liaising with others rather than working alone. To me, that is a quality that is within me and brings out the best in me in academic as well as professional relationships. Team player strength is an idea that applies mostly in organizations as it relates to improving performance. However, Farley et al. (2010) view it as an inert quality that cuts across all levels of human life; even when one is not employed. It is perceived that it is good for one to possess the team-player ability since it portrays one as being more competent, good listener, as well as other associable qualities.

Bruce Tuckman's model of team-player established that team player implies a practice that entails forming, storming, norming, as well as implementing values in a group context (McEwan et al., 2017). As such, the model plays the role of bringing a better understanding of the idea that team-player is a valuable virtue in people's lives. Additionally, strength theory, as portrayed by Driskell et al. (2017), concerns with the capitalization of human capability to interact through meaningful teamwork that enhanced resourcefulness as well as personal growth. This theory perceived a team-player as a person who is not only willing to improve their core competences but one who is ready to help his/her team members to grow intellectually as well as professionally.

Evaluation of Team Player Quality

It is not every day that we get to see people who relate well with others. Some have a complicated attitude that drivers their peers and colleagues away. As such, the ability to take part in a team is considered as a strength because it entails a high level of focus, selflessness, and tolerance. Tarricone & Luca (2016) discussed the Team Analysis Theory and concluded that people who engage in a team and contribute effectively without being a bother to other members have an inherent ability to derive results. First, a team player is a strength because people with this quality have to remain focused. The existence of teams is grounded on the principle of unity of command and shared goal. Thus,...


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