This brief case permits an introduction into emotions and how our perceptions frequently craft the emotions we feel. Discuss what emotions are. As stated in the text emotions are “transient events, produced in response to external or internal events of significance to the individual; they are typically characterized by attention to the evolving stimulus and changes in neurophysiological arousal, motor behavior, and subjective feeling state that engender a subsequent biasing of behavior” (Fink 2010, 3). What emotion is expressed and how the author’s emotions were triggered. Note that perceptions lead to emotions that lead to decisions and behaviors. Highlight, as the definition states that emotions are “subjective” feelings in that our perceptions direct them. Discuss how the negative emotions could have been prevented by better understanding the circumstances and what can be done to create more positive emotions in this situation and in a workplace. Your answers should address, in addition to better understanding the circumstances, the need to appropriately communicate emotions. As human beings, we differ from animals in that we can determine our secondary emotions. Yet, interestingly, the initial reactions of animals and humans to stimuli are often similar. We both may get angry and might or flee. However, humans have the ability to process our initial emotions and direct our perceptions and feelings to secondary emotions. One of my experiences while driving illustrates how perceptions and cognitive thoughts can influence emotions. I was driving on a relatively crowded freeway, staying mostly in the passing lane because I was I n a hurry and exceeding the speed limit. I arrived at a group of cars traveling slowly in a caravan. The car in the left lane would not pull over to let me pass. In fact, the older lady in the driver’s seat appeared completely unaware that I wanted her to depart from the lane. She was busy combing her hair and applying makeup. I was now going to show her my disgust and anger by giving her my ugliest face as I passed her. As I drew alongside her car, to my surprise I saw my angel Aunt Mildred behind the wheel. Oops! She was the perfect aunt, always willing to help as a volunteer at service organizations. Well, my thoughts about the other driver changed dramatically. I also noticed my emotions change. Instead of being angry and combative, I was embarrassed and made a commitment to be more careful about the stories I create about others. CASE QUESTIONS 1. What caused my initial emotions? Please explain! 2. Could I have done something to have prevented these emotions? Please explain! 3. What triggered my secondary emotions? Please explain! 4. Given this example, what could you do to create more positive emotions? Please explain! *Please note to always have a COVER AND REFERENCE Page (not included in page count). Please make document no longer than two (2) pages.