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Patriot Act in America

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Patriot Act in America


Patriot Act in America

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Patriot Act in America


National security is an import part of human being since it touches on how people interact with each other and more so, regarding safeguarding lives. In case of events that pose threat to life, government have the mandate of formulating policies that can bring back sanity concerning safety of borders and the country in general. One such a threating case was witnessed the United States on September 11, 2001. This terrorism situation involved coordinated attacks by the Al-Qaeda which led to immediate death of 265 people. In response to this attack, the American initiated a la that would increase more chance to probe into people’s way of life of a way of obstructing any manifestation of criminal activities. As a result, the P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act (Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001) was enacted with the key agenda of avoiding such an occurrence in the future. The Patriot Act benefited the U.S. by simplifying criminal investigating, obstruction criminal plans before they manifest in domestic land, improving border security, promoting social-economic prospects. However, the Patriot Law can be contested for limiting people’s privacy rights and giving law enforcement too much power.

How Patriot Act has Benefited Americans

Simplifying criminal investigating

To begin with, the Patriot Act benefited the United States by making criminal and forensic investigations more effective. The major deliberation by the 107 Congress was to ensure that Patriot Act was passed for the greater good for safeguarding the nation. The decision of the then president George Bush was guided the ability of the Act to simply the hasten the speed at which criminal investigator could detect and control crime. In an article “Law, politics, and populism in the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act,” Rajh (2019) argue that before the incidence of 9/11, the process of accessing crime scenes was very bureaucratic. For the Law before the Patriot Act stipulated that when accessing people’s data, investigating officers could only demand for information from common carriers such as public places, location storage, and vehicle rental premise. This approach, according to Jaeger, McClure, Bertot, and Snead (2004), is complicated and increases the chance of failing to intercept a criminal gang on time.

Additionally, controlling terrorism requires argent and robust which was not feasible under the old regime of Crime control Law. For example, before the introduction of the Patriot Act, the Federal Bureau (FBI) of Investigation could only demand information to people who they have tracked bearing fact beyond reasonable doubles that they have something to do with an incidence. This is one was of delay justice and creating more for criminals to reorganize themselves to hind evidences and even flee. The new Patriot Ac provides that information can be collected from any person either by recalling recorded files, phone conversation, and any other for digital or written data (United States Public Law. Sec 355 (2)). Therefore, I can now be deemed simpler and easier to counter terrorism since the FBI has more authority to access and determine possibility of threat following people’s activities.

Obstruction of criminal plans before they manifest in domestic land

Controlling crimes is better than managing the aftermath of a terrorist attack. For example, taking the incident February 26, 1993 (Bomb explosion in New York), April 19, 1995 (Bomb ribs killing 168 and injuring over 700 people in Oklahoma), and the most fierce case of the 9/11, it is evident that prior to the Patriot Act, it was near impossible to obstruct pending criminal attack (Jaeger et al., (2004). This is a major way of saving people’s lives within the domestic soli. Therefore, as a way of ensuring people are save within their country, the trade between privacy and uncovering illegal activities was important.

Criminal masterminds are conducted and fructified through a chain of communication which can only be unraveled if the investigating officers re accorded rights of tracking flow and sharing of information (


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