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Short Paper: Over-Diagnosis


For this short paper, you have to draw references and background support information from the two articles assigned as readings for this assignment and the video.

-        What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? http://web.archive.org/web/20160704192849/http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-easy-to-read/index.shtml


-        ­­DSM-5 Changes: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) https://pro.psychcentral.com/dsm-5-changes-attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/004321.html


-        As well as the assigned video, American Children and Mental Health. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOrR6CpRLCw

Compose a paper built around informed assertions and persuasive summary.



In a two-page paper, address the following:

·       How are behavioral and conduct disorders diagnosed?

·       What factors potentially contribute to the over-diagnosis of these types of disorders?

·       What long- and short-term implications does over-diagnosis have on a child?

·       Substantiate your findings with specific examples and research.


Guidelines for Submission: This short paper assignment should follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA-style citations. Page length requirements: minimum of 2 pages.







            Behavioral and conduct disorder is a mental condition that begins in childhood and can continue to through adolescence and adulthood, as such this disorder make it quite impossible for one to focus or pay attention. However, some of the children with this disorder can be described as hyperactive and so they have trouble being patient. In principle, the diagnosis of this disorder can be made by a pediatrician or in some cases the doctors may refer some children to mental health specialists. Nonetheless, no single test can fully diagnose this disorder; hence doctors use various rating scales to track the symptoms of the disorder complemented by the information collected from the family of the child (NIHM, 2013). Also, sometimes it is quite impossible for doctors to make a full diagnosis since some of the symptoms may depict other mental problems.

            Conversely, it is significant to acknowledge that in some cases this type of disorder is over-diagnosed owing to various factors. For instance, the clinical judgment of diagnosticians regarding this type of disorder is vulnerable to heuristics. For that reason, diagnosticians fail to abide by the requirements of the diagnostic criteria, because notably, they base clinical judgment on prime similarities; additionally, the diagnosticians handle the diagnostic criteria differently (NIHM, 2010). To further add on that, over-diagnosis is also influenced by symptoms of various mental disorders overlapping, as such the diagnosed symptoms might reflect other mental related issues. Similarly, over-diagnosis can be realized as a result of health policy constraints, for example, disorder diagnosis acts as a prerequisite to reimburse treatment. Therefore, diagnosticians normally are focused towards securing treatment...


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