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OSHA Violation


In order to obtain full credit, the student will need to demonstrate the ability to achieve the following objectives: Identify and propose approaches to health care challenges in a highly regulated environment in order to moderate their impact and optimize the use of resources. Identify core knowledge and skills to understand conceptual foundations and practices within health services organizations Apply risk analysis, problem solving, planning, and communication skills to identify and recommend improvements in the quality of health care programs. Develop and communicate plans to utilize human, technical, and financial resources to manage health care organizations. Apply performance standards and the quality indicators of regulators and payers to promote quality and ensure the economic viability of a health care organization. To achieve this the student will develop and submit a well written brief and accompanying Bow Tie Analysis to the CEO of a hospital regarding the critical incident case assigned. The brief should be 4000 to 5000 words in length utilizing APA 7 standards and have no less than 5-7 recent (2017 to 2020) scholarly references.  In the brief the student should expand on the critical analysis of the Bow Tie analysis graphic (presented in the brief) and identify 1 key regulatory standard and 1 quality indicator (metric) related to the incident, explain how they are applied in this case,  discuss the human resource factor, technological and financial contributing factors to the incident and the recommended preventive measures a manager / organization should take to avoid the failure in the future. Justify your conclusions and recommendations. Provide a pathway to resolve infected staff and personnel shortage challenges and offer the communication plan offsetting the social media and local mass media negative publicity campaign of the event.  Critical Incident Case Your organization has been responding to the COVID 19 pandemic for some months and continues to be challenged with many cases admitted to the hospital. The hospital is a 300-bed community hospital with one ICU floor (10 beds). During this time providers have been working excessive overtime and working outside of their core areas (pediatrics and surgeons working in the ICU wards). To accommodate the need for isolation rooms and personal protective equipment (PPE) the facilities engineers have expanded the ICU by placing additional portable filters that vent to the outside through the HVAC system. Supply chain department has limited inventory of the masks and breathing respirators for staff protection. Clinical staff have been instructed to re-use masks and clean devices between use to share with other doctors and nurses. Tonight there is an electric failure on the ICU resulting in an overload of the HVAC system and shut down of the portable filters. The nurses and doctors on duty were unaware of the initial problem until notified that the generator was supplying the lighting only. Without the filters increased exposure in common areas like the hallway and nurses station and at the bedside can occur. Several staff were exposed to COVID and tested positive. It was found that the staff were not universally masking in the hallways and other general areas; staff not routinely assigned to ICU were on the ward and providers in the rooms had failures with their masks and respirators (overuse and misuse / incorrect use). 50% of the staff positive turned symptomatically ill and required treatment. The hospital is facing significant personnel shortages as well as liability and OSHA violation charges affecting the financial status of the organization in increasingly adverse way.
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