The aim of this dissertation is to provide a functional algorithm that works in finding the most optimum option for distributing products with correlation to inventory management and reverse flow management. The research objective includes: · To develop mixed-integer linear programming model that is able to optimise transportation problems in food industry · To develop a deterministic approach for solving transportation problem. · To develop a MILP model that minimises the cost of distributing food items from different sources or origins to multiple locations. A broader view can be adopted by applying the algorithm to the food industry and the reverse flow of expired goods from customers to suppliers. Selecting a specific type of food as the product to supply adds important factors in the constraints of the algorithm: the temperature set to conserve the food during inventory and transportation, and decay factor of the food. To achieve this goal, the research will develop knowledge and employ instruments that yield statistical data such as MATLAB software or Excel depends on the writer's capabilities. I have attached my Dissertation of 4500 words that needs to be continued and fixed properly. And also I added some articles that could be useful with the mathematics to be applied. The first step would be to choose a food item, set the constraints of the algorithms and the notations and definition of each symbol to be used. I am willing to help with the work in parallel. I can provide the Matlab software if we need to use it since I have a student ID. Moreover, I can give access to ScienceDirect, a large scientific database where many useful sources and articles can be found. The dissertation is due few days after the 10 of October, for that reason I need it the 10 to proofread it and weekly progress so that I can forward the work to my advisor and make sure that we are taken the right direction. I will give more information such as my advisor feedback to help you write the dissertation and the references that he approved. More example can be provided if you require.