Have an opinionated reply to this, "I think that charisma is more important than competence personally. Reason being is because I know I would go for someone that is more charming and who is really passionate about what they are talking about. Let's take Obama for instance.. He is super charming and when he use to make his speeches I was glued to the TV, because he has a strong voice and just draw your attention. Being passionate and confident is always a good quality trait to have in a persuasive situation." (7-8 sentences) and another one to this, "A real-life situation that I am aware of is the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The officers at Pearl Harbor were self-censorship, mind guarding, and thought they were invulnerable. The officers believed that the Japanese would not have the guts to bomb the harbor. The traumatic event did happen, and because the officers were so self-censorship, they could have taken the warnings and avoided the event." (7-8 sentences)