1. assess operations requirements and resources for pediatric hospital. describewhat is working is not working. 2. conduct a quatitative and qualitative benchmarkliterature review and scanof operations best practices from thehealth care industry or outside the health care industry and provide and evaluate an example of an initiative that ahigh reliability health care organiationhas implemented, and indicate how pediatrichospital can implement that initiative. 3. evaluate pediatric hospitals readiness for the transitionof health care systemsfrom a volume to value baseddelivery system. Using data provided in this case, providerelevant and practical recommendations to improve its readiness and how it might affect the implementationof the initiative. 4. analyze the operational implications of 2-3 current health care reforms and mandates that might affect the implementation of the initiative. 5. consider current and future trends and forces in operations management excellence and access how these canhelp this pediatric hospital and other similar health care organizations to becomea sustainable model for high reliability organization.