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Operational Consideration

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Operational Consideration


Operational Consideration




1.0  Introduction

Casio Shipyard will offer different services to owners of small craft, for example, lifting, storage, and repair. The lifting and storage services will be supported by a crane that will be used to lift small craft to and from the adjacent dock. On the hand, the repair services offered by Casio Shipyard will include hull painting, cleaning, and general maintenance work. As a shipyard business, it will start with the construction of a shipyard that will require a substantial amount of investment from the proprietors. According to Song and Woo (2013, p. 133), the construction of a shipyard begins after the submission of the shipyard layout hence requiring the input of four different engineering parts. Casio Shipyard will need the production layout, utility, building, and civil engineering. Besides, to achieve operational capacity the shipyard will have to implement and institute specific regulations and procedures so that to meet environmental, health and safety requirements, and so on. The shipyard will have to incorporate systems that will ensure proper attention is focused towards the well-being of the workers complemented by the reduction of adverse environmental impacts resulting from the different activities such as repair services.

2.0 Statutory regulations

            Casio Shipyard will have to implement health and safety executive (HSE) systems by first employing qualified and certified health and safety experts who will be tasked with the responsibility of auditing and maintaining the systems. Chabane (2004) explains that HSE Systems are planned to provide continual additionally and improvement. It is a requirement by the Marine and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to ensure that all the shipyard implement statutory regulations most especially so that to safeguard the safety of the workers. To meet the requirements stipulated by the MCA, Casio Shipyard will have to apply the HSE System in order to incorporate measures that will demonstrate the competency of all workers. Further, these systems will ensure that the workers are aware of the HSE risks associated with the work environment. As well as the relevant rules and regulations of working at a shipyard complemented by the appreciation of the working conditions.

            To operate the lifting, storage and repair services will require the assistance of heavy operatory yard equipment mostly operated by workers in possession of Class C license. According to Song et al. (2009, p. 81), it is the responsibility of shipyard owners to ensure that contractors and personnel are working at a yard comply with the relevant national statutory requirements, such as obtaining the Class C license. Casio Shipyard personnel will be awarded the Class C license after submitting various documents, for example, letter of application, and proof of personal training management, certificate of registration, and so on. As per the regulations of Queen's Harbor Master, Plymouth (QHM) the shipyard will have to acquire a mooring license (British Marine, 2017). This annual license will allow Casio Shipyard to moor vessels to navigable waters most especially during repairs. The application of the license would be done at the service center or can also be done online.

            As a result, of continuous communication between the management of the shipyard and the personnel concerning safety and...


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