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Online Shopping

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Online Shopping






Online Shopping

Online shopping involves purchasing goods and services from sellers who provide them on the Internet. Technological advancement, especially, World Wide Web lets people access virtual stores at their comfort. Consumers prefer shopping online to brick-and-mortar establishments due to convenience; besides, it offers products at affordable prices and provides more meaningful choices. Despite advantages of online shopping, virtual buyers face substantial challenges such as the inability to verify products, logistical difficulties, and no after-sale service. However, companies such as eBay, Amazon, and Alibaba address issues that limit customers’ online shopping experiences through conducting usability tests, managing tracking data and updating customers on shipment status.

Customers shopping from web stores cannot verify product quality; for that reason, they receive items that are different from what they expected. The rise in e-commerce industry has created significant competition, leading to the launch of many websites that provide buyers with different products while also increasing the problem of fraudulent sellers. For that reason, verification of items is an issue that needs solving since it results in customers purchasing items that fail to satisfy their needs. However, large multinationals such as Alibaba guarantees its customers valuable products by calling them to confirm their orders, conducting usability tests, and only selling items that meet particular client specifications. Complications in verifying items are not the only challenges facing online shoppers but also logistical difficulties.

Logistics is another problem, affecting consumers’ online shopping experiences as...


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