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Online and Brick
and Mortar Degrees
Over a couple of years, E-education has
been highly adopted and become a commonly used medium of acquiring education.
Most students have flocked to seeking education on online platforms because
they are flexible in payment terms and access. Furthermore, online graduates
are most likely to land on IT related jobs due to a belief that course offered
online require the learner engage themselves fully with technology and It
related issues.
According to (Wellen, 2006), most
progressive recruiter are in search for employees that possess a wide range of
talents in various backgrounds. A larger percentage of those taking their
online programs are adults that have multiple responsibilities as breadwinners
in their home. They most acquire these degrees to advance in the job ranking or
when joining in new fields.
The major chronic issue facing the online programs is over-aggressively recruiting students creating a lack of trustfulness with the employers. The University of Phoenix, for example, was fined $9.8 million by the department of United States Education for violating the terms of enrollment and operation. In this view, with proper policing and through a scrutiny of the applicant, both program could have been treated the...